Year Three Windsor Class

Mrs Taylor and Mr Kendal are the class teachers with Miss Sherwood and Mrs Taberner supporting in class.

The best way to get in contact with us is through class Dojo. Please ask if you need any support with this.

Hello and welcome to Windsor class. We are named after Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest reigning monarch. Elizabeth Windsor became Queen in 1952 and remained in her role until her passing in 2022. She devoted her life to the people and country of Great Britain and we are proud to celebrate and recognise her life by naming our class after her.

A person in a green hat and jacket

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To support your child's learning in school please ensure they have: 

  • Water bottle filled with plain water 
  • A coat 
  • Reading book and planner 
  • In the colder months please ensure children have hats, gloves, scarfs, etc.  
  • In the warmer months please ensure children have hats, sun cream, and plenty of water to drink.  

Expected PE Kit

School Day

8.50am - 3.15pm

Please make sure your children are dropped off and picked up on time.

Dinner and Snack Money needs to be paid on Fridays for the week after using the Parent Pay log in. 

Please do not send any money into school.

School Dinners - £12.35 per week

Snack Money -  £1 per week

If you need any help with your Parent Pay account, please go to the school office.

If you think you qualify for free school meals, please see Ms Voraji in the school office.

Year 3 Curriculum 


Do you want to succeed as the Top Spelling Bee?

The Top Spelling Bee will spend 10 mins each night during the week, practising this week's spellings and getting as many correct answers.

You'll be buzzing and flying high!!!!
