Year Four - Kahn

Miss Khan is the class teacher.

The best way to get in contact with us is through Class Dojo. Please ask if you need any support with this.

To support your child's learning in school please ensure they have: 

  • Water bottle filled with plain water 
  • A coat 
  • Reading book and planner 
  • In the colder months please ensure children have hats, gloves, scarfs, etc.  
  • In the warmer months please ensure children have hats, sun cream, and plenty of water to drink.  
Our PE days change each half tem. Please check on Dojo for the most up to date sesisons. One of these sessons might be taught by Ed Start or a Manchester United Coach.
Autumn 1 PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please make sure your child has an appropriate PE kit, for both sesisons.

Expected PE Kit

School Day

8.50am - 3.15pm

Please make sure your children are dropped off and picked up on time.

Dinner and Snack Money needs to be paid on Fridays for the week after using the Parent Pay log in. 

Please do not send any money into school.

School Dinners - £12.85 per week

Snack Money -  £1.50 per week

If you need any help with your Parent Pay account, please go to the school office.

If you think you qualify for free school meals, please see Ms Voraji in the school office.

Year 4 Curriculum



Homework is set weekly on Spelling Shed, TT Rockstars and on occasion, Purple Mash. 

All children will be heard reading by an adult in class once a week, but it is important that children read at home at a minimum of 3 times a week and their reading diary is signed. 


Times Tables Test

Across the country, all children in Year 4 will undergo a a times tables test. We are practicing multiple times a week in school but it is highly suggested that children also log on to TT Rockstars or Purple Mash and practice at home. (login details should be stuck in the back of reading journals) 

Our Learning

English: We are reading the novel Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo and writing a range of texts, including a monologue, a diary entry and an adventure story. We are using the texts to help us with subordinate clauses, emotion comma sentences, 2A sentences, BOYS sentences, possessive apostrophes and inverted commas.

Comprehension:  We are reading a range of texts. In fiction and poetry we are working on vocabulary (Domain Dog 2a), retrival (Domain Dog 2b), summarising (Domain Dog 2c) and inference (Domian Dog 2d). In no-fiction we are just working on the first three Domain Dogs.

Maths:  We are still working hard on our times tables to 12X12, using TTRockstars as much as we can, at school and at home. This half term, we are learning to multiply and divide two and three digit numbers with a one digit number. We are even learning how to find remainders in division.

Science: This half term we are studying electricity. This will include, how to create complete circuits, investigate what happens when circuits are incomplete and what happens when we add more cells/batteries to a circuit. In one lesson, we will be investigating what insulators and conductors are.

Geography:  We will be learning all about rainforests this half term. From what makes a rainforest, to where they are, from the affects of deforestation to the main 4 layers within a rainforest.

Art: We are learning about some of the formal elements of art including, charcoal mark making, to printing with a variety of objects and tools, to looking at how we rotate and translate an image with tracing paper.

Music:  We will be learning all about 'the singing river'. Learning to appreciate songs which are about rivers, learning to sing a song about a river in two parts, including an ostinato.

PSHE: This half term, we will be learning about the changing body and how important it is to stay safe. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in asking Miss Radcliffe-Cross, our PSHE lead.

PE: This half term, we will be learning to play tag rugby and looking to having matches in small groups. In gymanistics it will be to look at mirroring and matching gymnastic shapes on low equipment.

RE: Our learning this half term, will be about what it is to be a Hindu in 21st Century Britain.

Computing: This half term is all about computer science. How we make programmes and games using a coding program. We will be learning to use If/When, If/Else commands and how to use timers in order to make objects move.